Carly Collins (Heartland Mutual Insurance) presented at our last network meeting.
Carly has 25 years in the insurance industry and is an exclusive agent for Heartland Mutual Insurance. Heartland Mutual Insurance is an all Canadian company, owned by its’ policy holders. Risk Management is their business and they offer customized coverage, competitive rates and professional loss prevention services. Carly spoke about the exposure businesses who collect and or store any personal data have when it comes to cyber attacks and data breaches. ****The best way to manage the risk is to prevent it before it happens.**** Heartland’s insurance product is available to help with financial costs should there be a data breach or cyber attack on your business. The basic minimum package coverage is included in the attached document and higher limits can be purchased provided qualifications are met.
Carly provides sales, knowledge and service for personal, business & commercial and farm insurance needs.
I invite you to reach out to Carly if you have any questions:
519-851-8104 X 5239