Beth Storey (Storey’s) presented at our network meeting. Storeys is one of Ontario’s largest Full Service Auction Companies with incredible customer service to their sellers and our buyers. Their appraisal services include matrimonial, re-financing, insurance, and estate probate.
They have the knowledge and the expertise to work with small estates and businesses up to massive indusrial commercial enterprises. There is nothing that they cannot sell!
Storeys is a leader in online auctions, yet also remains one of the few auction companies with the ability to provide live calling auction services. Our live calling provides funds for many charities that enjoy the entertainment value of live calling.
They have been located at 530 First Street for over 60 years running Auctions as well as a section of the property that houses a new restaurant equipment store.
Following their website keeps you up to date with the ever changing items for sale. Their website is http://www.storeys.ca